Over 6 acres of riparian buffers were planted at 4 locations in the Buffalo Creek Watershed. These were “multifunctional” riparian buffers – meaning that high-wildlife value native species that provided extra benefits – such as producing nuts or fruit, were used. Edible native species such as pawpaws, hazelnuts, highbush blueberries, and serviceberries were used along with more typical riparian species such as swamp white oaks, red osier dogwoods, and sycamores.
Riparian buffers are low-tech ways to make big impacts for water quality and habitat. Riparian buffers are vegetated areas along streams, rivers, ponds, and wetlands. Riparian buffers reduce erosion and sedimentation, soak up pollutants, keep streams cool, provide breeding and foraging habitat for birds and aquatic species, and much more.
Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Recreation and PennVEST